
the waste land

The Waste Land T.S. Eliot

T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land. The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot is one of the seminal works of modernist literature, often hailed as a groundbreaking poem that captures the desolation and fragmentation of the post-World War I era. 1. Narrative of The Waste Land The Waste Land does not follow a conventional narrative. Instead, it […]

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sons and lovers

Sons and Lovers DH Lawrence

Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers is one of the most prominent works by the English novelist D.H. Lawrence. Published initially in 1913, this novel is well-known for incorporating many autobiographical elements. 1. Sons and Lovers Themes and Plot 1.1. Themes This work primarily explores the complex dynamics between a mother and

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hyman acts

Human Acts Korean Han Kang

Gwangju, May 1980. Survivors say in interviews that the experience is similar to radioactive exposure. The exposed substance does not disappear. Even if a person who is exposed to radiation dies, or if he burns himself to leave only bones. Likewise, it still hasn’t gone away. 36 years later, it sometimes comes back to life.

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Sats Stae Skin to Sleep life with my heart

Sats Stae Skin to Sleep life with my heart step 1

The SATS Technique (State Akin to Sleep) is a visualization method closely linked to the Law of Attraction, designed to strengthen inner intentions and manifest desired realities. Popularized by Neville Goddard, a renowned spiritual thinker and self-development teacher, SATS is one of the many effective meditation and visualization techniques he introduced. This technique leverages the

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Factfulness Hans Rosling 10 Instincts

Factfulness, written by Hans Rosling, is a globally acclaimed book that redefines how we view the world. The term “Factfulness” refers to the practice of seeing the world based on facts and evidence rather than misconceptions or biases. This revolutionary book highlights the cognitive biases and misunderstandings that distort our perception of reality. By presenting

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4:30 AM at Harvard

4:30 AM at Harvard hard study

4:30 AM at Harvard is a self-help book written by Chinese author Wei Xu Ying, based on the stories of Harvard University and its students. 1. Introduction to 4:30 AM at Harvard 4:30 AM at Harvard delves into how Harvard students, attending one of the world’s most prestigious universities, strive to achieve their dreams and move

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Faust by Goethe 3 minute happy summary

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832), one of Germany’s most celebrated literary figures, authored the masterpiece Faust, a work that embodies human desire, self-realization, limitations, and salvation. Goethe’s inspiration for Faust was sparked in 1772 by a tragic event involving the execution of a woman accused of infanticide. This profound event led him to delve into

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