David Hawkins, in his groundbreaking book Power vs. Force, introduces the concept of the Map of Consciousness, a scale ranging from 0 to 1,000 that measures human consciousness and its profound effects on individual lives and societies. This map is divided into three broad categories: Unconsciousness, Consciousness, and Superconsciousness, emphasizing the transformative potential of ascending to higher levels.
Table of Contents
◾ Power vs Force Key Levels of Consciousness
Power vs Force by Hawkins identifies critical energy levels and their characteristics, illustrating how they influence emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
1. Power vs Force Shame (Level 20)
Power vs Force Representing the lowest point of energy, shame manifests as self-deprecation, low self-esteem, and psychological distress, often leading to severe health consequences.
2. Guilt (Level 30)
A state of self-blame and victimhood, guilt often results in psychosomatic illnesses and persistent feelings of unworthiness.
3. Apathy (Level 50)
This reflects hopelessness and energy depletion. People at this level feel powerless, frequently controlled by external influences, and struggle with a lack of motivation.
4. Grief (Level 75)
Grief is marked by loss and regret. It can lead to chronic patterns of failure and feelings of despair.
5. Fear (Level 100)
Fear consumes significant energy, with individuals constantly seeking safety and stability, often at the expense of growth.
6. Desire (Level 125)
This stage signifies attachment, craving, and greed, driving individuals to pursue external validation and materialistic goals relentlessly.
7. Anger (Level 150)
Anger fuels resentment and hostility, often arising from unfulfilled desires or perceived injustices.
8. Pride (Level 175)
While a step above anger, pride remains fragile due to its dependence on external conditions. A loss of these conditions can result in regression to lower levels.
9. Courage (Level 200)
A pivotal threshold, courage empowers individuals to take responsibility for their actions, fostering productivity and personal growth.
10. Neutrality (Level 250)
Individuals at this level approach life with balance and open-mindedness, maintaining flexibility and resilience.
11. Willingness (Level 300)
At this stage, individuals proactively take ownership of their goals, exuding confidence and enthusiasm.
12. Acceptance (Level 350)
Acceptance allows for the acknowledgment and respect of differences, enabling harmony in relationships and a deeper understanding of life.
13. Reason (Level 400)
Marked by intellectual clarity and problem-solving skills, this level signifies a logical and rational perspective on the world.
14. Love (Level 500)
Unconditional love transcends personal ego, fostering profound connections and empathy towards others.
15. Joy (Level 540)
An inner state of happiness and contentment that persists even amidst challenges, joy represents a harmonious relationship with life.
16. Peace (Level 600)
Characterized by inner serenity, peace reflects a profound state of spiritual awakening and equilibrium.
17. Enlightenment (Levels 700–1,000)
Power vs Force by hokins The pinnacle of consciousness, enlightenment is a state achieved by historical figures such as Buddha and Christ, signifying complete transcendence of ego and unity with the universe.

◾ Power vs Force Practical Implications
Power vs Force by Hawkins emphasizes the transformative potential of elevating one’s consciousness. Higher levels not only bring personal growth but also contribute positively to societal development. He highlights key concepts like “Attractor Patterns”, which are unconscious patterns influencing thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Recognizing and shifting these patterns is critical for spiritual and personal growth.
◾ Power vs Force Memorable Excerpts from Power vs. Force
🌈 “Every attitude, thought, and belief is connected to various energy meridians that flow through the body’s organs.”
David Hawkins explains that all our thoughts and emotions form an energy field that is directly linked to our bodily organs. Positive thoughts and emotions enhance physical health, while negative ones can adversely affect it.
🌈 “Self-esteem is the painkiller for all the suffering experienced at lower levels of consciousness.“ (p. 98)
Hawkins discusses the relationship between self-esteem and consciousness levels. When self-esteem rises, individuals begin to recognize their worth and trust their abilities, enhancing their capacity to handle life’s challenges. Conversely, low self-esteem leads to self-denial and undervaluing one’s abilities, resulting in feelings of helplessness, anxiety, and depression.
🌈 “All attractor patterns are, so to speak, interconnected like threads in a web.” (p. 261)
Hawkins introduces the concept of attractor patterns, unconscious patterns that influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions. These patterns are interconnected, meaning a change in one can affect others. To elevate one’s consciousness level, it is essential to identify these attractor patterns and transform them positively.